Rock-Paper-Scissors (CLI-Game)

Rock-Paper-Scissors (CLI-Game)

Simple Rock-Paper-Scissors Command Line Interface game, user vs computer. First to get 5 points wins.

import random
import unittest

def showOption():
    print('Choose an option:\n1. Rock\n2. Paper\n3. Scissors\n4. QUIT GAME')

def game(user_choice, comp_choice):
    if user_choice == 0:
        #user choose Rock
        if comp_choice == 1:
            #Computer choose Paper
            return 'Computer'
        elif comp_choice == 2:
            #Computer choose Scissors
            return 'You'
        elif comp_choice == 0:
            return 'Draw'

    elif user_choice == 1:
        #user choose Paper
        if comp_choice == 2:
            #Computer choose Scissors
            return 'Computer'
        elif comp_choice == 0:
            #Computer choose Rock
            return 'You'
        elif comp_choice == 1:
            return 'Draw'

    elif user_choice == 2:
        #user choose Scissors
        if comp_choice == 0:
            #Computer choose Rock
            return 'Computer'
        elif comp_choice == 1:
            #Computer choose Paper
            return 'You'
        elif comp_choice == 2:
            return 'Draw'

def continueGame():
    print('Do you want to restart or quit?\n1.Restart\n2.Quit')
    i = int(input())

    if i == 2:
        print('GAME FINISHED')
        return False
        print('RESTARTING THE GAME')
        return True

options = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']
round_number = 1
computer_point = 0
user_point = 0

isRunning = True

while isRunning:
    choice = int(input())

    if choice == 4:
        isRunning = False

    print('You choose', options[choice-1])

    comp_choice = random.randint(0,2)
    print('Computer choose', options[comp_choice])

    winner = game(choice-1, comp_choice)

    if winner == 'Draw':
        print('That\'s a draw')
        if winner == 'You':
        elif winner == 'Computer':
        print('Round winner is', winner)

    print('Round no.',round_number,'\nYou -',user_point,':',computer_point,'- Computer')

    if user_point >= 5:
        print('Game winner is YOU')
        isRunning = continueGame()
    elif computer_point >= 5:
        print('Game winner is Computer')
        isRunning = continueGame()

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